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Masha and The Bear - Jam Day 🫙🍒 (Episode 6)

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About Masha and The Bear - Jam Day 🫙🍒 (Episode 6)

NEW EPISODE 🍰 Fluffy Dessert ☁️ (Episode 120) Masha and The Bear. All episodes playlist: Masha and The Bear. Compilations: The Bear decides to harvest berries to cook jam. This idea is literally up to Masha’s taste. She tries everything and comes up with a few new flavors making the Bear’s dinner unforgettable. Follow Masha on Instagram: Watch more on Netflix. Masha and The Bear. All episodes: Masha y el Oso - Día de mermeladas (Capítulo 6) Masha e o Urso - Dia de Geleia (Episódio 6) Masha et Michka - Le Jour Des Confitures (Épisode 6) With kindness and comedy in its heart, the show follows the adventures of a little girl Masha and her friend, The Bear. Their relationship is a metaphor of how a child interacts with the big world and how an adult can aid with this difficult task. Masha is a restless little girl who can hardly stand still due to her endless energy - everything she comes into contact with must be tried on! She's friendly beyond description and treats everyone like she's known them for ages. Her curiosity and creativeness causes funny adventures.. The cartoon became a hit for families around the globe, due to its smart ability in entertaining and educating both children and parents. Although there's no such thing as direct teaching, Masha and the Bear enlightens children about real friendship, care, freedom of creativity and basic skills in a funny and smart manner. Masha and The Bear. All episodes playlist: ماشا والدب. جميع الحلقات : Masha e Orso. Tutti gli Episodi: Masha y el Oso. Todas las series: Masha et Michka. Tous les épisodes: Masha e o Urso. Lista de reprodução: Mascha und der Bär. Alle Folgen: 瑪莎與熊. 全部影集: Маша и Медведь. Все серии подряд:

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