Arnold Schwarzenegger KING CONAN concept trailer (2025)
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About Arnold Schwarzenegger KING CONAN concept trailer (2025)
We hope you enjoy our King Conan concept trailer. This was a labor of love, created by a tiny crew who wanted to both show what we imagined took place after the events of Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer, but also a way of saying thanks for all the inspiration, motivation, and entertainment Arnold Schwarzenegger has given us over the years. Thanks, Arnold! Our King Conan Synopsis: Having long grown bored with the crown, Conan finds conflicted appreciation in his many children and their violent attempts to usurp him. Outnumbered, he knows he must form uneasy alliances with a handful of the offspring who are willing; contending with the guilt and resentment of an absentee father and the ambiguous children who allege to fight by his side. Betrayal and revelations engulf the land as Conan heals old wounds and opens new ones, finally discovering what it truly be king. Disclaimer: Our King Conan concept trailer is a fan made film and is not affiliated with or endorsed by the official license holders. It is a non-profit homage to the original Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan films, showing what - in our imagination, at least - happened to Conan thirty years after the events of Conan The Barbarian and Conan The Destroyer. We imagine King Conan as a mini-series, with ten episodes that would wrap up Conan's legacy. Let's make it happen! "We made a movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and he doesn't even know it" behind the scenes video - King Conan (Brandon as Arnold version): #conan #movie #arnoldschwarzenegger
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