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HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video|ALL HOURS × HIMEJI Castle with SAKURA

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About HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video|ALL HOURS × HIMEJI Castle with SAKURA

HOT JAPAN プロジェクト「HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video」第三弾の舞台は世界文化遺産!国宝姫路城! 1年でたった数日しかない桜満開ピークの春景色と姫路城のスペクタクルの中、JO1が「ALL HOURS 」を披露。 今回のALL HOURSは、HOT JAPAN特別アレンジでお届けします。 桜花爛漫の中、世界遺産・国宝姫路城と一体となった特別なALL HOURSパフォーマンスをお楽しみください。 The third stage of HOT JAPAN Spectacle Video is Himeji Castle, World Cultural Heritage site! JO1 performs "ALL HOURS" in the spring scenery which cherry blossoms are in full bloom once a year and the World Heritage Himeji Castle. In addition, 'ALL HOURS' is the HOT JAPAN specially arranged version. Please enjoy the special collaboration with the spring scenery of cherry blossoms, the World Heritage Himeji Castle, and the performance. [HOT JAPAN PROJECT HP] [HOT JAPAN PROJECT Twitter] ==== JO1 OFFICIAL SNS [HP]​ [Twitter] [Instagram] [TikTok] [WEIBO] #JO1 #ALL_HOURS #HOTJAPAN

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