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Thumbnail BM and Lulla GF art by: https://twitter.com/RHanGJin Hypno's lullaby released with an unfinished build, one of the programmers called Sector ( https://twitter.com/sector0003 ) released a ""FINAL"" quote on quote build; which is the one we are playing on todays stream! I have yet to be spoiled, so I am very excited. Hope you enjoy it too! https://twitter.com/Sector0003/status/1584529529145819138?s=20&t=-4Ugvi6gkJJC_Z9UIiSp4A Donations! https://streamlabs.com/stickybm/tip Join the Discord to interact with my community! http://discord.gg/stickysticks Follow my Twitter https://twitter.com/StickyBM Timestamps by @RealMelodyHope !! Thanks ! 0:00 Starting stream! 10:10 Getting into the mod! 12:30 Safety Lullaby V2 16:14 Left Unchecked V2 19:23 Cutscene! 19:33 Lost Cause 19:45 Lost Cause (Take 2) 23:00 Want a free video game? Of course! 23:45 Frostbite 25:55 Frostbite (Take 2) 29:05 Insomnia 34:31 Monochrome V2 35:39 (it actually starts there) 43:06 Monochrome V2 SUCCESSFUL RUN 48:08 Pokedex! 48:34 The shop! 50:00 Isotope 54:37 Dissention Another look at the Pokedex after 1:01:00 Purin 1:05:20 Death Toll 1:10:00 Amusia 1:14:25 PASTA NIGHT (Lord X) 1:21:20 Pasta Night (Hypno) 1:24:25 Bygone Purpose 1:30:03 Pokemon Blue Version 1:31:00 Missingno V2 1:34:42 Brimstone 1:42:34 Death Toll (again) 1:46:50 Shinto 1:51:10 Cutscene! 1:51:38 SHITNO 1:56:00 (not sure exact) POKEDEX! 2:01:35 Game Overs and Botplay 3:11:00 SHITNO - Sticky Mode (2 misses!) 3:16:15 Leaker Songs 3:19:30 STICKY IN THE FILES 3:51:00 TORMENT?! 3:58:50 break 4:06:00 FANART!!! 5:23:00 End! [Just ignore this part LMAO] [Don't read this pls, listen youtube is hard oke] The Rainbow Friends gameplay is composed of multiple chapters. As of August 13th, there has only been one official chapter. Chapter 1 is about a class going on a trip to an amusement park called Odd World, but ultimately being kidnapped by red, taking them to a strange facility which each night they have to collect items while avoiding the monsters that appear throughout 5 nights. At the end of each night, any remaining players are returned to a safe room, where they are given a small amount of time to prepare themselves for the next night, you must collect blocks, food packs, fuses and batteries, and even trying to be careful to not wake up Blue by stepping on the balloons. Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel originally created for Ludum Dare 47. Programmed by ninjamuffin99 with a soundtrack produced by Kawai Sprite and artwork created by PhantomArcade and evilsk8r, the game can be played on Newgrounds or played/downloaded for free on Itch.io. The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father Daddy Dearest doesn't approve of him. It's up to Boyfriend to rap battle his way through him and anyone else that stands in his way so that he can finally get freaky! Think you got what it takes? Friday Night Funkin' is an ongoing project that will continue to receive updates, bug fixes and new content. A full version of the game is currently in development, having been successfully funded via a Kickstarter campaign. Check the changelog here for information on the latest updates. The game is also open source to allow users to mod or simply look through its assets. Download the game files here. Before getting started, it's recommended that users read the rules! And before getting into editing, it's recommended that users read the style manual! Need to speak to a member of this wiki's staff? Check this page. Uno is an American card game that is played with a specially printed deck (see Mau Mau for an almost identical game played with normal playing cards). The game was originally developed in 1971 by Merle Robbins in Reading, Ohio, a suburb ofvCincinnati. It has been a Mattel brand since 1992. The game's general principles put it into the Crazy Eights family of card games. For the ever-growing amount of fan-made content and creations made by the community, please check the secondary wiki dedicated to Friday Night Funkin' mods! Minecraft is a sandbox construction video game developed by Mojang Studios where players interact with a fully modifiable three-dimensional environment made of blocks and entities. Its diverse gameplay lets players choose the way they play, allowing for countless possibilities. There are three actively maintained editions of Minecraft: Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Education Edition. Underverse (originally called Underverse!Sans) is the animated series created by Jakei95 majorly connected to the X-Tale universe. It follows the story of Sans, and how one visit by an unfriendly face would mark the start of what was to be the greatest fight for the multiverse. The Truce takes place before X-Tale, in which Error!Sans and Ink!Sans both create a truce, supposedly for the better of the multiverse. No more destruction no more creation.
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