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JKT48 New Era Special Performance Video – Benang Sari, Putik, dan Kupu-Kupu Malam

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About JKT48 New Era Special Performance Video – Benang Sari, Putik, dan Kupu-Kupu Malam

Rahasia apakah yang tersimpan di taman bunga para gadis? -------------------------------------------------------------- Performing Members: Marsha Lenathea Mutiara Azzahra Kathrina Irene Freya Jayawardhana Adzana Shaliha ---------------------------------------------------------------- You can keep or share this video, but please DO NOT re-upload it into any streaming site and file hosting. It's the only proper way you can appreciate JKT48 and the owner of the copyrighted content. Keep on cheering for JKT48 and thank you for all of your support. (Anda dapat menyimpan dan menyebarkan video ini, namun tolong JANGAN mengunggah ulang ke situs streaming video dan hosting file mana pun. Ini satu-satunya cara yang benar bagi anda untuk menghargai JKT48 dan pemilik konten berhak cipta. Tetap dukung JKT48 dan terima kasih atas segala dukungan anda.) Follow our social media: Twitter: @officialJKT48 Instagram: @jkt48 TikTok: @jkt48.official Facebook Fan Page: @official.JKT48 Official website: www.jkt48.com JKT48 New Era Special Performance Video - Benang Sari, Putik, dan Kupu-Kupu Malam Dengarkan juga 'This is JKT48 New Era' di platform musik lainnya: https://bfan.link/this-is-jkt48-new-era Subscribe Channel JKT48 : @JKT48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAFF LIST [Total Producer] Yasushi Akimoto [JKT48 Executive Producer] Hiroyuki Fujita Nariaki Terada [Managing Director] Winston Utomo Ryo Kenjo [General Manager] Fritz Fernandez [General Manager Theater] Melody Nurramdhani Laksani [Creative Director] Toshiaki Gomi [Creative Producer] Aokuri [Asc. Creative Producer] Auvy Ahmad Haidar Dewa Ayu Larasati Dewi Sudira Fajar Rachmat Ramadhan Mas Dita Apryaning Taqiyyah Nadia Nitilaksmi [Production Manager] Novaro Wisnu Wardhana [Media Relations] Rino Sutopo Shinta Aprilia [Members Manager] Tedy Wijaya Whiwent Aulia Syari Nabila Syarif Hidayat Ayu Kusuma Eva Adlina [Design & Digital Content] Radityo Indrapratama Risyad Fikrie Keke Artha Sari [Creative Documentation] Rezza Habibie Dhani Haditya Muhammad Khalid Ali Farhan Qutb Baskoro Ahmad Fikri Auzan Oktavianus Benni [Event Manager] Toni Adji Mintaradja Fachri Hamzah Rizky Obrut [Marketing] Ashar Nugraha Angeline Williany Rubby Larisa [Merchandizing] Dhani Haditya Kristin Maulida Putri Rizki Rahmani Aisyah Nurhatami Wisnu Prabowo Imam Hanafi Anggia Murni [Finance] Anna Maria Ratna Endang Setyaningsih Amalia Sagita [General Affair] Vania Eka [Music Production] Samuel Risnaldy Jimmy Propaganda [Choreographer] Inneke Patricia Donny Yuliantino Rendy White Arif Surrahman [Hair & Makeup] Harvina Siliwati Endah Siti Nur Santi Diana Saputri Hestina Sanidha Elza Melati Riska Amalia Cut Nur Intan Ajeng Wulandari [Wardrobe] Puga Pridiasrini Gracia Victory Putri Wikarsa Erine Agnissary Dwirani Ratna [Lighting Programming] Ijul [FOH Engineer] Jimmy Propaganda Johni F Sarwuna [Theater LED] Sulton [JKT48 Theater Operation] Toni Adji Mintaradja [JKT48 Theater Stage Managers] Rizka Prayuningrum Shinta Almira Amadea Safira Rosika [Theater Live Streaming] Anri Januar Rifka Anisa Dimetrio Wilfred Deco Bangun Aris Setiyanto [JKT48 Theater Security Team] Maxwell Elmer. S Onhes Madesky Fauzan Arif Subekti [JKT48 Theater Staff] Rudi Hadi Pribadi Agus Saputro RECORDING STAFF [Music Arranger] Aokuri [Vocal Recording] Samuel Risnaldy [Vocal Editing] Jimmy Propaganda [Mixing] Aokuri [Mastering] Bonar Abraham MUSIC VIDEO STAFF [Creative Director] Toshiaki Gomi [Director] Jeremy K [Executive Producer] Aokuri [Line Producer] Nadia Nitilaksmi Dewa Ayu Larasati Dewi Sudira Fajar Rachmat Ramadhan [Director of Photography] Amink [Art Department] Kibo (Art Keceh) [Editor] Aokuri [Colorist] Aokuri [VFX & Motion] 4bskr [Choreographer] Inneke Patricia [Production Assistant] Rizka Prayuningrum Safira Rosika [Hair & Makeup] Diana saputri Riska amalia Endah sitinursanti Cut nurintan Ajeng wulandari [Costume & Wardrobe] Dini Indah Lestari Puga Pridiasrini Dwirani Ratna [LED Operator] Sulton [Lighting Programming] Ijul #jkt48 #newera #benangsariputikdankupukupumalam

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