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Dafina Zeqiri - ZILI ZILI

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About Dafina Zeqiri - ZILI ZILI

STREAM: https://clnz.us/dafina-zeqiri-zili-zili Follow @Dafina.Zeqiri - https://lnk.to/DafinaZeqiri Executive Producers: Moneyz Music Lyrics by: @ELINEL-OFFICIAL & Dafina Zeqiri Prod by: Rzon Mastering: gkgmastering Music/melody line by: Dafina Zeqiri Video by: @Entermedia_tv Faleminderit: https://www.instagram.com/driftarenagjakov Follow My Playlist on @Spotify - https://DafinaZeqiri.lnk.to/Spotify Follow My Playlist on @AppleMusic - https://DafinaZeqiri.lnk.to/AppleMusic Dafina Zeqiri, by Yellowcake, Inc. Distributed & Protected By StopTalking Music Group Dafina Zeqiri - ZILI ZILI Zili zili E di Njollen mrena nshpirt e kini Un ju thirri majasili Act crazy wuz the dealy? Silly silly You actin crazy cuz you made a milly I kom n'bank wuz the dealy Ju Skeni pa real real hustler Big Big Baller Ya Ju boni flex nKamera Smun me fshi at njolle Munesh mu shit shtrejt po ti cheap ki me kon po po po Jo sjom une Ajo jo N'nivel me ra Mu bo silly silly For the sake of some likes actin silly silly Silly Zili zili Inatin mrena nshpirt e kini Smun dashni me dhon Kur n'zemer tane ki veq zili, zili Silly silly You actin crazy cuz you made a milly I kom n'bank wuz the dealy Ju Skeni pa real real hustler Zili zili E di Njollen mrena nshpirt e kini Un ju thirri majasili Act crazy wuz the dealy? Me sponsorship fleni ju Ju kan rrejt ju kan bo budall Nuk jeni tu knu po tu u palle Po une ju tregoj drejt nuk po ju filli Qa o ky far stili Jo jo kjo so zili qishtu bohet kang Besom Ky o palim pili Nvalle me mu tshkon mindili ya shkoj te manastiri jaa Ta dhezi 1 qiri Jaaa Chorus Zili zili E di Njollen mrena nshpirt e kini Un ju thirri majasili Act crazy wuz the dealy? Silly silly You actin crazy cuz you made a milly I kom n'bank wuz the dealy Ju Skeni pa real real hustler Silly silly You actin crazy cuz you made a milly I kom n'bank wuz the dealy Ju Skeni pa real real hustler #DafinaZeqiri #ZiliZili

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YouTube Live View Counter is the best way to check your Favorite Creator's Statistics updated in real-time! Data seen on Most Social Medias might be inacurate or delayed, that's why Livecounts.io came with idea for YouTube Live View Counter!

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