🎤⭐️ Angela’s Talent Show 🪩 - Talking Tom Shorts (S2 Episode 52)
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About 🎤⭐️ Angela’s Talent Show 🪩 - Talking Tom Shorts (S2 Episode 52)
Who’s got talent? Everyone! Or at least that’s how it seems to Talking Angela when her friends start taking over her brand new backyard stage. All she wants to do is perform, but will she ever get the chance?! #TalkingTomShorts #Cartoon #TalentShow Produced by Outfit7 Limited: https://outfit7.com/ 3D Animation production by Lunar: http://www.lunaranimation.com/ Hi, guys. Thanks for watching! It’s so cool to meet you. I’m Talking Tom. 👋 Welcome to the channel! I post new videos every week so you know what to do... Hit that SUBSCRIBE button! That way you won't miss a single episode of the Shorts, or any of the super cool trailers for my games. And, I mean, you wouldn't want to do that, right?! 😉 Bring on the F U N! Check these playlists out! 👇 🔥 Every episode of Talking Tom Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe_8Un8RVsVfTwDObiJfS67Zx4DBMUYbe 🥳 Talking Tom Shorts compilations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy44_uO_NyU&list=PLe_8Un8RVsVfXDLPKZhKbV26PVUwOh7pI 🎮 Game trailers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxwHHdWzVKk&list=PLe_8Un8RVsVcmkyJjvsaFJG48kZHqtyV0 Check out more Talking Tom & Friends channels! 💖 Talking Angela: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingAngelaCat 🫶 Talking Tom & Friends: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingFriends ⚡ Talking Tom Heroes: https://www.youtube.com/TalkingTomHeroes 📱 Talking Tom & Friends Games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRLtkybxNbcLloUTNWS14ig Download Talking Tom & Friends games now! 🌀 Talking Tom Time Rush: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/talking-tom-time-rush 🧁 My Talking Angela 2: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/my-talking-angela-2 🏡 My Talking Tom Friends: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/my-talking-tom-friends 🥁 My Talking Tom 2: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/my-talking-tom-2 Check out Talking Tom & Friends adventures all around the world! 🇷🇺 Говорящий Том и Друзья: https://www.youtube.com/TomFriendsRu 🇧🇷Talking Tom and Friends Brasil: https://www.youtube.com/TomFriendsBr 🇪🇸Talking Tom and Friends Español: https://www.youtube.com/TomFriendsEs 🏳️ توم المتكلم والأصدقاء بالعربية: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqHnmAQd_liHj6pU0IH-jLg 🇮🇳 बातूनी टॉम और मित्र हिंदी: http://www.youtube.com/c/बातूनीटॉमऔरमित्रहिंदी 🇰🇷 토킹톰앤프렌즈: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR-_RUGyNsfnlhDof1S2KbQ 🇮🇹 Talking Tom and Friends Italia: https://www.youtube.com/c/TalkingTomandFriendsItalia 🇫🇷 Talking Tom and Friends France: https://www.youtube.com/c/TomFriendsFr 🇹🇷 Konuşan Tom ve Arkadaşları Türkiye: http://www.youtube.com/c/KonuşanTomveArkadaşlarıTürkiye 🇩🇪 Talking Tom and Friends auf Deutsch: http://www.youtube.com/c/TalkingTomandFriendsaufDeutsch 🇯🇵 トーキング・トム・アンド・フレンズ: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCddBa7iMC-JWDeLE8helOiQ 🇨🇳 會說話的湯姆貓家族中文頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpB_Rt4GwuGnGr6yPISWd1A Talking Tom is also known as: 会说话的汤姆猫, トーキング・トム, 토킹톰, Говорящий Том, Konuşan Tom, توم المتكلم, बातूनी टॉम, 會說話的湯姆貓
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